The Sinfonietta String Quartet is is composed of the principals of the Sinfonietta Ensemble project.

It performs original arrangements of different genres of music, including pop, jazz, movie soundtracks, opera and classical. 

Its activity is mainly focused on cultural entertainment, collaborations with different types of artists, movie soundtracks and theater performances.

Continuous additions to the repertoire and a constant rehearsal schedule is building the unique sound of this ensemble as very contemporary with a distinctive classical zest.

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The Sinfonietta Ensemble is a project for the conservation and diffusion of the  classical entertainment which was performed at the turn of last century.
It includes a library project and orchestral performances with a limited number of instruments, as in the traditional salon orchestra  composition.
The repertoire includes all the viennese tradition of the Strauss family, opera, operetta,the classical repertoire fin-de-siécle and famous songs of that era, down to the first jazz and ragtime tunes.
It is particularly fit for open air performances and entertainment, as is traditionally performed in termal establishments and famous café's around Europe.
Mariachi Internacional is a four pieces band, performing all the traditional songs from latin america with the typical sound of acoustic instruments.

The variety of instruments and the four voices result in a rich performance, which can be enjoyed in any type of celebration or dance party, with the typical tunes of this music.

Mariachi International plays all different flavors of traditional and modern mariachi music, combining the most famous mexican songs with the various latin american variations and additions, to create an interesting mix and a relaxed and joyful  atmosphere.

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